Coming to realize who you really are and embracing being unique and different. I have trained my Mindset over the years to look above & beyond all the obstacles & herdels & concentrate on the Here & Now. Every time you don’t fit in, that is the Gift of the Difference you are. When you are truly yourself, you are so amazing that if you were willing to see it, it would blow you away. All the things you dream & desire are actually possible.
Everything in the Universe is Energy, Frequency & Sound. Every ACTION we put out in the world has a REACTION coming back to us. Every experience and circumstance you have will bring you that much closer to your true self. Trusting that everything will un fold perfectly & as it should. Working towards shifting your core Vibration to a higher level will help in all areas of life.
We all have experienced horrific tragedies, life’s unexpected twists & turns, & losses in our past & present lives, but it’s how we choose to deal with those situations that make such a huge impact on our lives. I personally had an excruciating tragedy happen almost 17 years ago but I did not let it Defy who I am I choose & gave myself permission to Forgive but not to Forgot. I had the power to cleanse & heal within.
Over the last decade I have dived deep into the Spiritual Realm & have learned a lot about myself & others. Being the master of my own fate, finding my soul’s purpose, & doing what resonates & aligns with my higher self. I now have a bigger & brighter vision of where I need to be in this world. All the hoping, wishing, & dreaming is wonderful but it comes down to what you BELIEVE. If you believe it is possible & within reach then it’s going to happen. Take the action steps necessary to achieve what you really want in your life.
If you are struggling with Self Love, Image or Worth then please take small steps & be gentle on yourself & not push yourself too far. Take a chance on yourself because you are worth it & then some.
Look forward to helping you Recharge, Reset, & Reconnect
Let’s Uplift & Inspire Other Souls
Laurie Dulac Xo